Julia One Liners compared to Scala

A comparison of one liners in Scala and how they would look in Julia.

This was inspired by the blog post 10 Scala One Liners to Impress Your Friends.

1. Multiple Each Item in a List by 2

Original Scala version

(1 to 10) map { _ * 2 }

I think the Julia version is clearer. The x->2x notation for anonymous function looks very similar to regular mathematical notation.

map(x->2x, 1:10)

2. Sum a List of Numbers

Sums numbers from 1 to 1000 in Scala either by using reduceLeft or sum.

(1 to 1000).reduceLeft( _ + _ )
(1 to 1000).sum

Very similar in Julia, but the reduce seems more elegant in that you don’t have to explicitly give the arguments to +. reduce takes a binary operator. So you just pass that. You don’t have to tell Julia how to add numbers with it.

reduce(+, 1:1000)

3. Verify if Exists in a String

Check if a word in a word list is present in a string.

val wordList = List("scala", "akka", "play framework", "sbt", "typesafe")
val tweet = "This is an example tweet talking about scala and sbt."

(wordList.foldLeft(false)( _ || tweet.contains(_) ))

Here I really think the Scala version is rather cryptic. I can not really guess how this works without learning more about Scala. In Julia I would take another approach. This treats the tweet and the wordlist as two sets of words and perform a set intersection on them:

!isempty(split(tweet)  wordlist)

4. Read in a File

This is a line for reading a file as a string in Scala. While that is apparently impressive by Java standards it is rather verbose for other languages.

val fileText = io.Source.fromFile("data.txt").mkString

In Julia this would just be

filetext = read(“data.txt”, String)

There is another Scala example of reading the file and turing every line into an element in list.

val fileLines = io.Source.fromFile("data.txt").getLines.toList

This is also the sort of thing that is trivial in Julia. Julia’s file open command can take a function as an argument. open gives this function a stream object and then close the file after the function is finished. There are many functions like readline, readlines, read etc which takes streams as arguments. So you can write:

filelines = open(readlines, "data.txt")

5. Happy Birthday to You!

The Scala way of doing this is honestly a bit Rube Goldberg’ish. It is a convoluted way of solving something rather simple:

(1 to 4).map { i => "Happy Birthday " + (if (i == 3) "dear NAME" else "to You") }.foreach { println }

The most straighforward way of doing this in Julia would be:

for i in 1:4
   println("Happy Birtday ", i == 3 ? "dear NAME" : "to You")

However if one wants to solve the problem more in the Scala fashion, you could write:

lines = map(1:4) do i
           "Happy Birtday " * (i == 3 ? "dear NAME" : "to You")
foreach(println,  lines)

You could do this with one line, but I split it in two lines for the sake of clarity.

One thing to notice is that you can write code in Julia with a lot less clutter of parenthesis and curly braces. In Scala need 4 parenthesis for the if statement, while Julia avoids this and use a single end keyword instead.

6. Filter list of numbers

Partition a list of students into two categories.

val (passed, failed) = List(49, 58, 76, 82, 88, 90) partition ( _ > 60 )

There is no function like partition in Julia so you would have to write this using multiple lines:

grades = [49, 58, 76, 82, 88, 90]
passed = filter(grade->grade > 60, grades)
failed = filter(grade->grade <= 60, grades)

But of course nothing prevents us from defining a partition function in Julia:

function partition{T}(p, xs::Vector{T})
    as = T[]
    bs = T[]
    for x in xs
        if p(x)
            push!(as, x)
            push!(bs, x)
    (as, bs)

Which then would allow us to do like in Scala:

passed, failed = partition(grade->grade > 60, grades)

7. Fetch and Parse an XML web service

Here’s an example fetching the Twitter search feed in Scala.

val results = XML.load("http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?&q=scala")

I don’t know anything about XML stuff in Julia, so I will not attempt and alternative.

8. Find minimum (or maximum) in a List

Another couple of examples using reduceLeft to iterate through a list and apply a function. Added simpler examples of the method min/max on the list.

List(14, 35, -7, 46, 98).reduceLeft ( _ min _ )
List(14, 35, -7, 46, 98).min

List(14, 35, -7, 46, 98).reduceLeft ( _ max _ )
List(14, 35, -7, 46, 98).max

Again this is the sort of thing were Julia is very succinct.

reduce(min, [14, 35, -7, 46, 98])
min(14, 35, -7, 46, 98)

reduce(max, [14, 35, -7, 46, 98])
max(14, 35, -7, 46, 98)

9. Parallel Processing

The following one-liner would give you parallel processing over the list in Scala.

val result = dataList.par.map( line => processItem(line) )

Parallel processing works quite different in Julia, so for this particular example, there is no elegant solution. You would do something like this:

result = zeros(Int, length(dataList))
@threads for (i, line) in enumerate(dataList)
    result[i] = processItem(line)

10. Sieve of Eratosthenes

We got this crazy line from Scala, but no I am not going to figure out what this really does and rewrite it in Julia.

(n: Int) => (2 to n) |> (r => r.foldLeft(r.toSet)((ps, x) => if (ps(x)) ps -- (x * x to n by x) else ps))

Perhaps one day when I am very bored I’ll revisit this and update the blog. Here is an example from RIP tutorial on how to do it:

iscoprime(P, i) = !any(x -> i % x == 0, P)

function sieve(n)
    P = Int[]
    for i in 2:n
        if iscoprime(P, i)
            push!(P, i)
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